Get More Energy, Let's Break Up With Sugar Now!

Does This Sound Like You?

  • I can't stop eating sweet food.
  • My energy plummet after lunch and eating meals.
  • My blood sugar levels are always ups and downs and has spikes in between.

If So, You're not ALONE..

82% Americans are addicted to SUGARS

STOP your Sugar Craving Now!

Are you also doing These?

You've thought of doing Diets

But then you’re not really sure because you can’t pinpoint your own problems and therapy isn’t really design to handle sugar craving.

You've thought of doing therapy

Or probably you already tried once or twice. But the sugar craving just bounce back after the diet and you’re back to square one.

You've thought of taking drugs

But the thought of adding drugs into your health and body is just not something you want to do. Especially because drugs and medications have very little or no effects on long term sugar control. Unless of course you want to take the drugs forever.

And That's Where This Challenge Can Help YOU

What Will You Discover?



Figure out where sugar hides



Understand what trigger sugar cravings



Know what to do to curb your sugar cravings



Develop the habits that helps you to control sugar addiction

After 10 Days, this is what you'll get

  • Understanding the pros and cons about sugar
  • Know where sugar hides
  • Know what trigger your craving
  • Know what to do to curb your sugar craving
  • Have simple recipes you can make to beat sugar addiction for life
  • Build a habit that eliminate sugar from your life
  • Have a better mood and become more relax
  • Increase in energy, focus and concentration

STOP your Sugar Craving Now!

what to expect

  • Greater understanding about sugar, the benefit and the harm
  • Step by step plan on how to reduce your cravings
  • Guides on all the recommended practices
  • Daily recipes, and meal plan
  • Community to ask questions and share your experiences

what not to expect

  • Mere Inspirations. I want you to be inspired by this challenge to take real actions. However, this challenge focus on it's sole purpose which is to guide you to stop your sugar cravings and not just being inspired by it.
  • Deadline and accountability. This is a self paced challenge and therefore you have the freedom to set your own deadline and be accountable for your goals. However, you can always join the conversation in our community to ease the journey.

STOP your Sugar Craving Now!

Yes, I also have some BONUS for you...

bonus 1 : sugar free meals recipes

I know it’s not easy to create meals that are healthy and can help you with sugar craving. The recipes are simple and easy to make. It’s packed with the nutrients your body need and have low or zero sugar. You will get breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes for 7 days. I also throw some of my own favorite snack recipes that are low or has zero sugar in it.

bonus 2 : sugar free snacks recipes

Sometimes we just need an extra bites to satisfy the sweet tooth. So I made this recipe book just for you. A delicious snacks recipes that contain very low or no sugar, healthy and very satisfying.

Maybe We Haven't Officially Met...
dr. Lisa Silvani

Hi, I’m Lisa Silvani. I'm a medical doctor and practice Anti Aging, Functional Medicine and Integrative Medicine.
So, what does that mean? When I treat and make a health plan for my patients, I look at genetics, lifestyle, and environment before planning the best ways for them to get back on their health. It's not a one size fits all type of treatment, it's a personalized medicine. My goal is to help people transform their life by taking the healthy journey to their best self.
I help people especially women to reduce their health burden, balance metabolism, increase energy & optimize Quality of Life. I do this with my workshops, 1on1 consultation, courses and group programs.
I love it when people manage to change their life because their health has improved with better lifetsyle choices. I hope the same thing for you.

Stay Healthy,


When does this program start and finish?

This is an On Demand Course which you can start at anytime. After you start, you are able to watch the course and apply the program anytime.

How do I access the content?

Once you purchase the program, we’ll send you an email with login info to the program portal. Every modules will be available each weeks or days depending on the courses that you choose. You’ll be able to watch the video lessons, link to the resources and available bonus sections and asking questions on the comment sections provided. You’ll also be able to download each PDF individually as when the modules already available.

Can I ask questions during the program?

Yes, absolutely. We have an online group where you can ask questions and get support from the community. Every month, we will also have a group talk where you can ask questions and get answered directly by dr. Lisa.

Is Private One on One Coaching included in the program?

1-on-1 coaching is not included in this program. If you are looking for more personalized support, you can always book in for a private consultation with me. That being said, inside our Facebook group, we encourage you to ask questions, interact with our community of like-minded women and connect with me when challenges arise. I will happy to answer your questions within our Facebook group.

What Food can I eat in the program?

A 28-Day Meal Plan is provided for you. We take all the guesswork out of what to eat and when. The recipes in this program are both vegetarian and paleo based, with a variety of protein sources such as, poultry, meat, fish and seafood, beans or legumes, as well as a variety of fruit, vegetables and healing elixirs. The recipes in this program are intended to support your fluctuating hormonal levels throughout your cycle. You are free to modify recipes and you do NOT need to follow the meal plan 100% in order to see results.

What if I’m Vegan, Can I join the program?

You will find many vegetarian and vegan options on this program. Although I encourage the consumption of animal products for optimal hormonal health, you can absolutely swap out certain protein sources to suit your dietary preferences.

Will I need to buy special food, tools, or drugs for this program?

I do recommend certain tools to help you with the programs, but it is not required that you buy them. Just following the lifestyle plan and other protocols will help you get great results.

Can I join this program if I have many social engagement and commitment?

Absolutely! You can still remain flexible with your schedule and commitments. We encourage you to go at a pace that feels right for you. If you happen to fall off the wagon for a few days that’s ok. We have a Facebook group that is full of support and encouragement, so that you can ask questions and receive support and guidance along the way. This is not about being perfect. This is about implementing something, even if it’s just 20% of the material versus doing nothing and continue to struggle and be in pain. Don’t let your body and hormones suffer because of events and commitments. Support them at the same time.

What is your refund policy?

We have Bulletproof Program Refund Policy for several programs, and Fatigue To Fit is included. With Bulletproof Program Refund Policy you have 14 Days to try our program and decide if this is the right one for you or not. If for any reasons you don’t think that this program deliver your expectation, simply email us at and write “REFUND” in the subject. There are requirement to get the full refund, though. You must submit your before worksheets and test results until second modules and have shown up in our groups sharing your questions and inquiries in order to receive a full refund.

Get More Energy

Breaking Up With Sugar Challenge

What's Included?

  • 10 Days of Video Lessons
  • Companion Workbook
  • Meal Plan
  • BONUS 1 : Sugar free Meals Recipes
  • BONUS 2 : Sugar Free Snacks Recipes

STOP your Sugar Craving Now!