
Boost Your Memory with Brain Training

We all know that memory is important. Yet we tend to forget to take care of that part of our brain that can improve our golden age. You might probably wondering how you can also care for your brain so our memory can stay intact. Read on to earn more about brain training and how it can improve our memory.

How to Improve Your Memory

Tip 1: Give your brain a workout

Well, it sure does beneficial to exercise. But, when we talk about brain workout it’s not the type of workout you probably would have though about. Brain workout is a sets of activities that can induce your brain to be in an active state. We will cover more of this on brain training sections.

Tip 2: Don’t skip the physical exercise

We all know that the best way to improve your memory is to keep your mind active and challenged. However, many people never consider that one of the best ways to challenge your brain is through physical activity. In fact, studies have shown that exercise actually improves your memory and can help keep your brain in shape as you get older. The effects vary between individuals, but studies have shown that athletes may experience better memory recall due to the increased stimulation of the brain associated with increased activity.
It has also been discovered that memory declines in conjunction with a decreased amount of activity in the brain. The game, “Telephone” (also known as “Chinese Whispers”), can provide a vivid example of how a lot of activity can prevent the loss of information

Tip 3: Get your Zzzs

Sleep is also important. Having good night sleep can help improve the connectivity between different parts of the brain, improve concentration and boost memory.

Tip 4: Make time for friends

Having good social relationship does better for your brain. It reduce stress and boost your serotonin which increase your brain function.

Tip 5: Keep stress in check

Stress can disrupt our brain function. It can increase inflammation in the brain and also reduce our beneficial neurotransmitter. 

Tip 6: Have a laugh

Laughter is actually a great way to exercise the body and the lungs and in comparison to other types of exercise doesn’t require a lot. Also a good laugh can help uncover hidden talents, make you more attractive, is good for children, and others.

Tip 7: Eat a brain-boosting diet

Good nutritious food is always good for your health. Foods that high in Omega 3s, antioxidants and vitamin and minerals can increase your brain metabolism, making it function better and healthier longer. 

Tip 8: Identify and treat health problems

There are many diseases and health problems that can lead to brain dysfunction. These include diabetes, hypertension and autoimmune diseases. Check your health every year and manage all of your chronic conditions so it doesn’t reduce your brain functions.

Tip 9: Take practical steps to support learning and memory

an old smart man said, memory is like money, take some out every time you use it.

1. as long as you go to the primary school, from your mom and dad, your teacher is memory, take something every time you use it

2. when you learn, you don’t only learn the knowledge, but also put yourself in the process of learning the process, to put yourself into the memory of the process

3. make the whole life as your primary school, remember what you get from the experience, but also try to keep learning, while you are doing this process, you are collecting knowledge for yourself.

What exactly is brain training?

The more you challenge your brain, the more efficient and strong your brain becomes. The more you challenge your brain, the easier it will be to remember things. The more you challenge your brain, the easier it will be to retain information. The more you challenge your brain, the easier you will find it to memorize any information.

Brain training is the scientific discipline of enhancing cognitive faculties such as memory, attention, processing speed, and problem solving. There are a number of approaches to brain training, some of which are based on real neuroscience, but also some that are based on fantasy. How it works from one company to another, so there are literally dozens of types of brain training around, both online and offline.

Brain exercises you can do at home

1. Meditation

Meditation has many forms and benefit. One of the best thing that comes from meditation is stress reduction. When your brain is not being overwhelmed by stress, it can work and remember better.

2. Visualizing more

To develop long-term memory, ask the question: how do I want to remember this? By doing this you will be able to visualize what you want to remember by asking yourself that question.

3. Playing games

Bored of playing chess? Try using games instead. Playing games also activate your brain. It exercises and flexes your brain muscle. Probably that’s why they called it E-Sport.

4. Playing memory card games

There are many benefit of using memory card games. And it’s not just for seniors that needs more help on memory. Memory card games also beneficial for students and teachers that want to sharpen their memory or help them to learn new knowledge.

5. Practicing crossword puzzles

I love crosswords. I can spend hours and not getting bored. Because it’s fund but also engage your brain, playing crossword puzzles can help you to improve your memory and brain function in a more relaxed settings.

6. Completing jigsaw puzzles

Another one is jigsaw puzzle. And between the two, it’s more about preferences. Choose the one you like and can spend hours without getting bored.

7. Playing sudoku

Not everyone like sudoku. But for those who do, sudoku can be a great and fun way to increase your memory and also concentration.

8. Playing chess

Chess is about strategy. But it’s also about remembering your opponent’s last move. It force your brain to remember and also analyze while producing out of the box solution.

9. Playing checkers

Checkers is a bit like chess.  It needs strategy and involves good memory function. The moves consist of alternating moves. And there is penalty which happen if a move is made to a piece that has no legal moves (a block) the move is considered to be determined by the opponent. 

10. Socializing

Socializing also good for your memory function. Socializing helps you feel more secure and confident. This in turn increase your dopamine which maintain good memory function.

11. Learning new skills

Learning something new always involves and put your brain into hard work. But it also reward your brain with more neural pathway which increase your brain capacity and function. Learning new skills also increase memory. It is an affective way to increase brain capacity and function such as logical reasoning, memory, creativity, and problem solving. Learning new knowledge, especially on different fields of interest will force your brain to think outside the box. Which then will create new neural pathway. And with this new pathways, your brain will be able to store and recall information better and easier.

12. Increasing personal vocabulary

Increasing personal vocabulary is great for your memory. More words mean more connections. More Connections mean more spatial ability and better brain agile! Get one or two friends and play a game of Scrabble. You can also use dictionaries just to know new and probably words no one ever talked about. Adding new words every time can enhance your memory. At the same time, you need to know that you can read these words, pronounce it and understand it. Furthermore, you should learn its meaning. By doing this exercise every day, you can enhance your memory skills. You should start this exercise as soon as possible. It can help you to boost your memory power.

13. Learning a new language

Learning a new language is a real challenge for any learner. It requires a lot of work from the learner. In almost almost all cases, a learner has to overcome a heavy accent as well as a lot of new grammar rules. In the brain, there is a specific part of the brain that is employed for this task – the hippocampus. This area of the brain is responsible for storing language and locating memories. People who have damage to their hippocampus have a difficult time with speech and their ability to learn a new language is severely impaired. 

14. Listening to music

Scientists have found that listening to music can improve both memory and cognitive function. It is also beneficial for the broadening of an individual’s emotional range, as it provides a form of creative expression that is different from language. This quality is why listening to music is believed to have therapeutic potential. Computer generated music can deliver positive effects on cognitive performance via its activation of the frontal cortex, the area of the brain involved in attentive behaviour. It has been found that those who listen to music simultaneously with those who labor on cognitive tasks perform the tasks faster and better. Additionally, listening to music is an easy method of developing one’s creative range as music uses a large portion of the brain. According to research conducted by the European Society 

15. Learning a musical instrument

Learning musical instrument is fun and engaging. But it also involves many things such as understanding chords and remembering notes. It give your brain activities without even forcing it. This will improve your memory.

16. Dancing

Dancing also helps to increase our brain capacity. With dancing, we balance our thought which are produce by our brain with our movement. This will help our brain to work better and efficiently. The way we dance will also help to develop parts of our brain. The following activities will help us to develop our memory power. To improve memory power, we should be as active as we can as we age. You can join a dance class, or start dancing at home as you watch the TV.

17. Writing

Although most people write probably everyday, but what we write and how we write it will have different impact in our brain. When we write creatively, being ourselves and expressing ourselves, our brain works better.  So, I’m telling you, get your voice out and be who you are!

So, that is a series of brain exercises that you can do at the comfort of your own home. Bring some friends over for scrabble match. Or play chess with your kids. It’s never too early to train your brain.

Happy brain training!

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